The Study of Fire - Chapter 30

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Chapter 1

Spoiler Alert if you haven't read Fire Study!

Valek watched the soldiers train in the yard outside in the castle complex's barracks. It was day thirty-six of the cooling season, and his breath fogged in the crisp morning air. However, his thoughts warmed him. They were on Yelena and their last night together.

Yelena had revealed she would be allowed to travel to Ixia now that the Commander's order for her execution had been nullified. Filled with joy over the news, he had said, "I'm looking forward to your first official visit as the liaison between Ixia and Sitia. But don't wait too long. Please." Valek had been only partially successful at keeping his pleading tone to a minimum.

A familiar ache throbbed in his chest at being parted from Yelena, but, as they both knew, she needed to continue her magical studies. At least, she had promised to visit soon.

"Fancy a challenge, sir?" Janco asked.

Valek's thoughts jerked to the present. He turned to Janco, who stood with his partner Ari, and Maren.

"It depends," Valek said.

Janco smiled at the familiar response. "On what?"

"Whether or not you can offer me a challenge."

"Normally, I'd be insulted, but you have a point. Which is why I'm not challenging you alone."

This was new. Valek straightened. "You're not?"

"No. We are. All three of us."

Ah, interesting. "Is that allowed?" Valek asked.

"Nothing in the rules says it isn't," Ari said.

"There are rules?"

"Not officially." Ari gestured to the soldiers in the yard. "But we all know that if we beat you in a fight, we'll win the right to be your second-in-command. You can turn down the challenge if so inclined, and, if you don't, the challenger chooses the weapon. That's it."

"There's nothing that says we can't team up," Janco said.

"Nothing official," Valek confirmed.

"So, make it official," Maren said with a huff of impatience. "Decide if we can attack en masse or not."

Valek had expected Ari and Janco to eventually team up and challenge him, adding Maren was a new wrinkle. It'd only been four days since they'd returned from their adventures with Ambassador Signe in Sitia, but Valek was well rested. The extra time spent in the Avibian Plains with Yelena had rejuvenated his body and soul.

He sized the three of them up. Long and lanky, Janco matched Valek's height of six feet. Ari stood another four inches taller than them. He had broad shoulders and thick muscles that belied his flexibility. With her athletic build, Maren could hold her own. As usual, her long blond hair had been pulled back into a ponytail.

"How long does it take to decide?" Janco asked. "Can we fight you three against one or not?"

"You can, but there will be rules," Valek said. "You can't gang up on me. No tackling me from behind."

"Gang up? Isn't that what we're doing?" Janco asked.

"It's different. Your goal will be to disarm me, but two of you can't grab and hold me while the other attacks."

"That's more like street fighting," Janco said. "And that would be cheating."

"Then you agree to my terms?" Valek asked.

"Yes, sir," all three said in unison.


"Bo staff."

Valek raised an eyebrow at Maren.

She shrugged. "It was a group decision."

Ah, interesting. Four people wielding five-foot wooden staffs would need plenty of room to maneuver. They would attract a crowd. And he'd have to set some new rules if the threesome beat him. Valek didn't want large teams of soldiers attacking him.

The other soldiers had already sensed something unusual. They'd stopped training and were watching the exchange.

Valek removed his short cape and broadsword but left his uniform shirt on. He hopped the training yard's fence and Janco handed him a bo staff before he, Ari, and Maren walked out to the middle. The area immediately cleared of people. But they didn't go far. The onlookers formed a wide ring around the fighters. A heavy blanket of silence settled over everyone as the trio fanned out into a semi-circle facing Valek.

All right then. Holding the bo in a ready position--horizontal in front of him with his hands about two feet apart--he moved closer to his opponents. There wasn't a referee, so they waited for his signal.

"Begin," he said.

Janco attacked first, moving fast as he swung his bo, aiming for Valek's ribs. "Three against one, this is gonna be fun."

Worldwide Release Date: November 26, 2024 Maria V. Snyder Publisher
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